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Columbia County Fair
September 4, 2021 (Sat) - Chatham, NY

Time: Lineup: 10:00 AM
Stepoff: 11:00 AM
Location: Chatham
Host: Valatie Fire Department

We are 1 Division, Unit 8.

Line up: is at Park Row and Kinderhook Street in Chatham NY.

Parking: Best to park at the fair and take the shuttle back to the lineup.
The fair address is: 182 Hudson Ave (or Rt. 66), Chatham, NY.

Shuttle Bus: Walk to the front entrance of the fair in uniform and gain free admission, then proceed straight to the back entrance of the fair (Cottage Place). Once you exit, there will be shuttle busses waiting. Stewarts will be on your right.

Free admission and drinks for marchers after the parade. Fair food can be purchased.